Saturday, 8 March 2008

Shoes to the Rescue!

Our second wedding as Mr and Mrs was an eventful one as Jo's shoes almost saved the day for a particular bridesmaid in distress when her shoes broke moments before she was supposed to lead the processional. It was quite hilarious really, but imagine the stress the bridesmaid must have gone through at that moment!

Jo had her shoes politely taken from her and she was actually left barefooted for a good few minutes as guests patiently waited for the bride to arrive. Several moments later though, her shoes made their return as they were a tad bit too small for the bridesmaid who was to wear it.

Good thing for the bridesmaid, she somehow managed to hunt down a pair of shoes that fit to carry her safely down the aisle and protect her feet as she dutifuly carried out her responsibilities for the day :)

1 comment:

Paul Long said...

should have gone barefoot. That would have made the wedding unique and would have provided lots of conversation starters for years to come ... from humour to philosophy ...